01.03.23 02:15 PM - Comment(s)

1. Why is the Duke Dome being demolished?  

The County's Affordable Housing Corporation is undertaking the safe demolition of the property so one building of 36 affordable rental housing units and 4 3-bedroom townhomes can be built beginning Summer 2023. The Wellington Arena has been closed since December 2010 and was declared surplus and transferred to the Prince Edward County Affordable Housing Corporation to develop as new affordable rental housing. 

2. How did you decide which company would get this contract? 

In compliance with The County's Purchasing By-Law 222-2021 a tender for the demolition was issued, with 26 companies expressing interest in the tender. On January 16, 2023, an on-site meeting was held with 20 companies in attendance for the inspection of the building to prepare a submission in response to the tender. A total of nine proposals were received, reviewed and evaluated. The successful tender was selected based on lowest cost and positive references. 

3. Who is going to demolish the building? 

Budget Environmental Disposal Inc. of Hamilton Ontario was the successful bid as outlined in report to Council for consent February 28, 2023. 

4. Is this going to be dangerous for surrounding residents?

Because it has been unused for so long, the demolition of the building and disposal of all materials must follow the applicable guidelines required by the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks. 

Prior inspections found there was no asbestos in the building. The contractor will ensure all materials and substances in the building will be removed from the property safely and efficiently. Because part of the roof structure at the east end of the building has become compromised, black mold has been detected around the main entrance interior of the building. The demolition company will ensure that any hazardous material found will be removed safely. The property will be secured by industrial grade fencing around the perimeter of the property. 

5. How is this going to affect the Niles Street Neighbourhood?

In the process of building new affordable rental housing for County residents, we will work closely with neighbouring residents to keep them informed and hear their concerns. In the coming weeks we will: 

· Go door to door in the immediate area surrounding the building to talk to residents including the Wellington Legion Manor

· Hold a public meeting, in partnership with Budget Environmental Disposal Inc at the Wellington Community Centre  to discuss the project with residents (details coming soon)

· Be available by email at or phone, 613.922.3785 

6. When will the demolition start? 

We want the demolition to start and end quickly and as safely as possible. The company will begin their work by March 17 and end by May 7 so the construction of the affordable housing development can begin. 

6. I'm interested in memorabilia that may be inside the Arena

Because the building has been closed since 2010, public access is not permitted. There a number of items, however, that we have asked the Company to remove on our behalf. They will remove it all at once, and further details will be available on our website. We will also be speaking with The County and the Dukes Foundation about the hockey memorabilia left in the building. If you are interested, please contact Elis Ziegler at or call 613.922.3785.
