22.11.21 01:57 PM - Comment(s)

National Housing Day is November 22nd, 2021 and is a day to raise the awareness on the need for affordable housing and how important a safe, stable, and secure place to call home is for the financial, social, and mental well-being of the residents in the community.

The lack of affordable housing in Prince Edward County is undeniable with house prices increasing 93% year over year on average and the average market rental rate for multi-residential units increasing 41% year over year on average. To this end, the Council of Prince Edward County recognize how critical the need is for the development of affordable housing in the community and at the November 9th, 2021 Council meeting approved the following four options regarding Planning Tools to address Affordable and Attainable Housing Issues in Prince Edward County:

Option # 1 - That Council direct staff to review/amend the County's Secondary Plans with  a view to ensuring areas delegated for housing permit mixed housing types and recommend increased maximum density populations in settlement areas or full municipal services.

Option # 2 - That Council direct staff to review the residential sections of the Zoning By-Law as compared to the Ontario Building Code and recommend lowering the minimum requirements.

Option # 3 - That Council direct staff to investigate and recommend a new zone offering more housing creation flexibility to be added to the Zoning By-Law, which may include amendments to applicable Secondary Plans.

Option # 4  - That Council direct staff to examine permitting Bunk Houses for staff accommodation in certain zones of the Zoning By-Law.

These options approved by the County Council will allow for a more diverse of housing types and sizes to increase the opportunity for affordable housing development in addition to provided for an increased ability for affordable housing development within the County Planning process.
