02.03.23 02:20 PM - Comment(s)

The Ontario Non-Profit Housing Association as launched a hub of information which acts as a resource to housing providers as result of the amendments to the Housing Services Act last year:


"On July 1 2022, changes to the Housing Services Act came into effect as a major component of the Province’s Community Housing Renewal Framework initiative. It has introduced significant changes to the operating environment for community housing, mainly taking effect when a provider’s existing Mortgage or Operating Agreement expires (a.k.a. End-of-Mortgage/End-of-Operating-Agreement). 

As changes are announced and introduced, ONPHA has been working to understand and interpret the impacts on the community housing sector now and in the future. ONPHA is here to support the sector and it’s partners to understand and navigate this new reality by providing information and case-by-case advice/consulting.

As part of the transition process, ONPHA has released new guidance documents to help housing providers prepare. To help get started, ONPHA has developed a five-stage process with initial readiness questions to ask themselves. This process will help the sector understand the new system environment and make the transition smoother."
