22.11.21 01:59 PM - Comment(s)

The Prince Edward County Affordable Housing Corporation is working tirelessly in the development of affordable housing within the community. In recognition of National Housing Day, the following updates are provided on the work of the corporation.

1. Wellington Arena Lands Development - 230 Niles Street, Wellington

The Corporation took ownership of the property on August 6th, 2021. The necessary environmental assessments and soil remediation have been completed and the corporation is now working with planning consultants and architects for the concept design for rezoning of the property and planning site approval to proceed with development of affordable housing.

The intention for this site is the construction of at least 36 affordable rental housing units consisting of 1 bedroom and 2 bedroom units with 100% of the units being affordable, meaning that the monthly rent will be at least 20% below the CMHC (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation) median market rent. 

Construction is targeted to commence in the spring/summer of 2022 with completion of the project for occupancy by the fall/winter of 2023.

2. Disraeli Street Property - Picton (municipal address to be assigned)

The County Council at its July 13th, 2021 council meeting declared municipally owned lands located on Disraeli Street in Picton as surplus property and further approved the sale of the property to the housing corporation for the development of affordable housing. The housing corporation has commenced the due diligence process to ensure the transfer in ownership to the Corporation by March 31st, 2022 to then proceed with the pre-development phase of the property.

The intention for this site is the construction of up to 20 affordable rental housing units consisting of bachelor and 1 bedroom units with 100% of the units being affordable meaning as in the case of the Wellington Arena Lands Development that the monthly rent will be at least 20% below the CMHC (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation) median market rent. In contrast to other developments the intended construction for this site is a modular construction to provide for a compressed timeframe for construction.

Construction is targeted to commence in the summer of 2022 with completion of the project for occupancy by the late winter/early spring of 2022.

3. Other Developments

In addition to the two projects high lighted, the Corporation is currently reviewing multiple properties throughout the County which are municipal owned lands in an effort to identify and recommend municipal properties that could be identified as surplus and transferred to the housing corporation for the development of affordable housing.

Further, the housing corporation is in discussion with  private developers within and outside the County who currently are in the planning stages for the development of multi-residential and standalone homes on the ability to include a fixed percentage of new units constructed to be affordable units.
